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Volvo has made an incredibly smart decision to move the production of the new models of electric vehicles from China to Belgium. This includes the EX 30 and the EX 90 flagship SUV.

Volvo was quick to act which is quite crucial. It shows that this brand can think on its feet a pivotal moment for electric vehicles that are being manufactured in China. Do you choose to endure the high fees when importing your vehicles into Europe or do something similar to what Volvo did, Volvo does have the advantage in this area as Volvo is still a European company and manufactured vehicles in Europe for decades. They had a well-established industry so it's much more feasible for Volvo to move production from one continent to another because they have the infrastructure and footprint to support it, for new brands in China it is not that easy as they haven't had the history to establish themselves on steady grounds.

Credit: Volvo

Last year in October Volvo announced plans to manufacture the new EX 30 and added its gent plant in Belgium now this was expected to change from 2025 but instead, that change has been moved forward quite drastically.

This is, without doubt, the smart thing for Volvo to do especially seeing the recent success of the EX 30 in the European market the EX30 has been selling at an incredible rate that very few could ever predict and thankfully Monument did predict such an event taken place it was quite obvious that would be possible with the affordability being a crucial selling point and the fact that the vehicle is a coupe SUV a small family vehicle made the sale even more compelling exterior interior. The week is beyond beautiful. It is the ugliest choice for so many families that are similar and familiar with the Volvo brand does far.

It was well-known that Volvo was one of the automakers that were mostly affected by the tariffs being introduced in Europe on Chinese MDs, which is perhaps made thoughtful credibly motivated for this change while all Chinese automakers are still being affected such as BYD, NIO, and the list goes on.

EV's Tariffs Cars Made in China

In late 2023 the European Commission president Ursula Van Der Lehan announced an investigation into Chinese government electric vehicle subsidies this was quite concerning for a lot of brands, especially those who manufacture vehicles in China, someone would say Chinese vehicles of cheaper models are flooding European market or perhaps the global market and that's due to unfair subsidies by China authors would say it is not unfair because it's not fraud China support in its businesses which any nation would do most notably as Germany and Germany is supported its homegrown businesses for many decades.

Those include Mercedes VW and BMW to name a few.

This is not uncommon, countries support their homegrown businesses China's doing the same but the European side sees this as how does this benefit us? What infrastructure value or economic benefits? Does this add to the greater European region?

Credit: Volvo

Volvo has seen positive numbers from its late debut in 2023 of the Volvo EX 30 selling 14,500 units in the first quarter of 20 24 nearly matching the EX 40 17,400 units being sold this is very positive for Volvo as the EX 30 is built up on a completely new platform and it's arguably a big part of Volvo's future.

In 2024 electric cars ales as been very impressive so far for the Volvo company as it's seen a 45% increase and all vehicle sales with 72,325 units being sold compared to last year only 49,725 the majority of the sales of nearly 57,000 placed in Europe and have experienced significant 68 compared to last year.

Credit: Volvo

READ MORE - Volvo Fully Electric $76K EX90 SUV is Now in Production in U.S Charleston Factory

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